
標題: [分享] 2017/09/8教學簡介:親密愛人NITZMADNU(以色列)   老師:商德淳Judy老師
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2017/09/8教學簡介:親密愛人NITZMADNU(以色列)   老師:商德淳Judy老師

下周要介紹的是一首以色列單人舞「親密愛人NITZMADNU」。本舞是由性格的光頭老師 Rafi Ziv 於2007年發表的作品,下周將由商德淳Judy老師介紹給大家。
Rafi Ziv 老師在以色列創作發表相當多的熱門舞曲,各位熟悉的海亞、我一直都在(隱藏)、世界之王、薄荷飄香、旅途旋律、盼望、令我神魂顛倒、Dunyia、起飛、水上起舞、從新而生、欲走還留、來吧!蘇珊娜……等等,皆為Rafi Ziv老師的作品,其舞風輕快動人,多搭配以色列熱門流行歌曲,使得Rafi Ziv老師發表的舞曲皆蔚為風潮,廣受歡迎。
這首「親密愛人NITZMADNU」原曲十分動感,英文翻譯為WE GOT CLOSE,是由以色列相當有名,能歌、能寫、能曲的流行搖滾歌手 Shlomo Artzi 所演唱;其獨特的沙啞嗓音、動感的節奏,加上朗朗上口的旋律,使得這首舞曲深具吸引力,就如同歌詞中人們對於愛情的渴望是永不停止,對動聽的音樂及動人的舞蹈所帶來的歡愉,也是大家所不斷追求的。
本舞運用大量的葉門步,躍步及交換步,舞到嗨時,甚至來個大跳躍翻身,踏併搖擺,讓我們一起在Shlomo Artzi的搖滾樂中盡情歌舞吧!
And then I go into the room and ask:
"Is everyone here fine, are they all still living?"
and you sing with a guitar, longings to the sea
because asking for love doesn't ever end
I won't recount everything, only how I wanted you
and when the war broke out, we lived in the kitchen
and when the war passed, as everything passes
I put together a band, guitar bass and drums.
And the band played hard, itself
and the broadcaster screamed the punk came back to town
and each November when we got sad and cold
we got close to each other and to life again.
And then I got into the room and flowers in your head
the television tricks people quite a bit
so let's do nonsense, and we'll speak the truth
I tell you let's get naked in order to get close
I won't recount everything, how we made love
we got close to a great God, in stadiums,
Michelle Michelle I called you, and it made you laugh
and in the square you got close to me,
at the death of our father Yitzchak (Rabin)**
And the band...
And thus w...
附加檔案為Shlomo Artzi 的原唱曲


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