
標題: [營隊] 第37屆汎亞舞蹈營
okc (中長尾)
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

精華 49
積分 5190
帖子 5842
現金 6557 元
存款 80227 元
鮮花 1247 朵
閱讀權限 102
註冊 2004-8-18
來自 Taichung
狀態 離線
發表於 2013-6-9 23:50  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
繁體化 簡體化
[營隊] 第37屆汎亞舞蹈營

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Atanas (Mysterious dancer)
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 1105
精華 0
積分 3535
帖子 2577
現金 1869 元
存款 81273 元
鮮花 938 朵
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-3-5
來自 Taipri
狀態 離線
發表於 2013-6-10 07:24  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
繁體化 簡體化

保加利亞舞:Ventzi Sotirov
Ventzi 出生於保加利亞匹林首府Sandanski,畢業於首都索菲亞的一所著名舞蹈學校,曾在保加利亞國家舞團擔任11年的舞者,為首席匹林舞蹈的男舞者,並且連續四年被票選為最頂尖的職業級保加利亞民俗舞蹈家,同時擅長傳統樂器~~Tupan圓柱兩面大鼓及Tarambuka手鼓。Ventzi 於1991年移居美國,在有75名保加利亞舞者和樂師的知名Balkanske Igre舞團擔任編舞的工作,他的舞蹈曾在1994年有六萬多人的世界足球盃開幕式前演出,並且巡迴世界五大洲,成功震撼了超過60國的觀眾。之後,Ventzi也開始他的民俗舞蹈教學的工作,其神乎其技的舞蹈風格轟動北美、歐洲和日本,被推崇為當代最佳的保加利亞民俗舞蹈家。
Ventzi所教授的舞蹈範圍極廣,除了Pirin舞蹈外,更涵蓋了Shope、Thrace、Rhodope、North Bulgaria、Dobrudia等舞蹈。各地風格迴異,舞蹈有快有慢、有民俗舞有表演舞,是入門學舞者及舞蹈精修者不可錯過的舞蹈課程。
日本舞 /馬其頓舞:Fusae Senzaki Carroll
Fusae Senzaki 出生於日本大分縣,從大學開始接觸民俗舞蹈迄今已近50年,尤其對巴爾幹舞蹈情有獨鍾,期間曾至羅馬尼亞、馬其頓、塞爾維亞、保加利亞、希臘及土耳其等地學習舞蹈及其文化,於1984年移居美國加州,近三十年來,Fusae 每年定期三至四次帶領世界最頂尖的教師至日本教授舞蹈,現在為被譽為馬其頓之神的Atanas Kolarovsk 的助理教師。曾教授:【櫻花頌】
綜合流行舞:Bonnie & Margaret

活力十足的Bonnie 及Margaret 老師將帶來結合現代舞、拉丁舞、曼波及迪斯可等熱情的美國的流行舞,及新編現代民族舞。資歷: [愛飛舞軒]舞蹈團團長、[香港舞蹈總會]執行理事、[英國皇家舞蹈教師協會]高級文憑教師、[澳洲爵士舞教師協會]爵士舞文憑導師、[英國國際舞蹈教師協會]Line Dancing教師証書,曾教授:【青花瓷.康定溜溜的她.BonBon.馬尼夏利.地中海.在遊逛場上.千里之外•搖滾之鄉.呼喚.海上花.叉燒包.月光曲.辣妹子.大花轎.我的故鄉.Super dance.刀劍如夢.菊花台.初戀情人.極速搖滾.愛無止盡.天路.味道】
場次 A 場 B 場 C場
時間 2013.8.16 (五) 2013.8.17 (六) 2013.8.18 (日)
地點 臺北市義信區民活動中心(臺北市士林區基河路132號B1)(近基河路與大南路口)
09:00-10:20 保加利亞舞 (Ventzi) 保加利亞舞 (Ventzi)
10:30-11:20 日本舞/馬其頓舞 (Fusae) 日本舞/馬其頓舞 (Fusae)
11:30-12:20 保加利亞舞 (Ventzi) 保加利亞舞 (Ventzi)
12:20-02:00 用餐、休息、複習 用餐、休息、複習
02:00-03:20 保加利亞舞 (Ventzi) 保加利亞舞 (Ventzi)
03:30-04:20 綜合舞蹈 (Bonnie & Margaret) 綜合舞蹈 (Bonnie & Margaret)
04:30-05:20 保加利亞舞 (Ventzi) 保加利亞舞 (Ventzi)
05:20-07:00 用餐及休息 歸鄉

19:10-21:50 保加利亞表演舞 複習+專題聯歡
7/15 前 A場:800 元 B場:1900元 C場:1900元 A+B+C= 4200元 (必須為同一人)
7/16-7/31 A場:800 元 B場:2000元 C場:2000元 A+B+C= 4400元 (必須為同一人)
8/1 後 A場:900 元 B場:2100元 C場:2100元 A+B+C= 4500元 (必須為同一人)
方法一:ATM 轉帳,玉山銀行大安分行代號: 808 帳號: 0967-440-002200 汎亞傳巡舞蹈藝術工作室,轉帳後E-mail您的銀行名、存簿帳號、金額、日期及完整報名表至 panasia_dc@yahoo.com.tw
方法二:每周六19:00-21:30 至台北市興雅活動現場繳費
方法三:各團報公關 (團報團體:奧羅、楓采、康乃馨)
1. 國外及中南部學員欲另訂飯店者,請提早來電洽詢。 2. 三場活動舞碼不同且謝絕攝錄影。
3. 行前通知單將於活動二週前以email寄達,如活動前尚未收到,敬請來電洽詢。
4. 活動如有異動,將以電話或E-mail通知。 5. 活動期間如欲提前離營恕不退費。
6. 颱風天是否照常活動,以國際航班是否正常做決定。7. 持折價卷者請至活動現場抵付現金。
8. 報名後,而無法參加者,可找人頂替,但須告知營隊,唯參加三場需同一人,欲退費者,7/15前可退7成,7/16後可退3成,8/1後將無法退費。 9. 三天報到時,請攜帶身分證件。
Q + A :如有疑問請panasia_dc@yahoo.com.tw 詢問或電0937-084-937 李碧玉老師
姓名 身份證號 出生 單位 E-mail 電話 參加 (圈選) 學 費
. . ( ) A. B. C 元

Atanas (Mysterious dancer)
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 1105
精華 0
積分 3535
帖子 2577
現金 1869 元
存款 81273 元
鮮花 938 朵
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-3-5
來自 Taipri
狀態 離線
發表於 2013-6-10 07:25  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
繁體化 簡體化

The 37th Annual PanAsia FolkDance Camp ~ Experience the Storms of Bulgarian Dances
Bulgaria is situated in Southeast Europe and occupies the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. To the north it borders on Romania, to the west on the Republic of Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, to the east on the Black Sea, to the south on Greece and to the southeast on Turkey's European part. Traditional Bulgarian culture contains mainly Thracian, Slavic and Bulgar heritage, along with Greek, Roman, Ottoman, Persian and Celtic influences.
Bulgarian folk dance and music is by far the most extensive traditional art and has slowly developed throughout the ages as a fusion of Eastern and Western influences. It contains Far Eastern, Oriental, medieval Eastern Orthodox and standard Western European tonalities and modes. Bulgarian folk dances are intimately related to the music of Bulgaria. This distinctive feature of Balkan folk music is the asymmetrical meter, built up around various combinations of 'quick' and 'slow' beats. Bulgarian distinctive features of folk dances can be divided into six: Pirin, Shope, Thrace, Rhodope, North Bulgaria and Dobrudia.
Our 37th annual folk dance camp will be held from August 16 to August 18 in Taipei, Taiwan. Our Guest teachers are Bulgarian teacher Ventzi Sotirov, Japanese and Macedonian teacher Fusae Senzaki, and International dance teachers Bonnie and Margret.
Bulgarian Dances:Mr. Ventzi Sotirov
Ventzi Sotirov was born in Sandanski in the Pirin region of Bulgaria. He graduated from the prestigious choreographic school in Sofia at age 17. He danced with the Bulgarian national ensemble “Pirin” for 11 years before he moved to the USA in 1991. He has taught at many camps and workshops throughout the USA, Europe and Japan.
Ventzi Sotirov, a native of Sandanski in the Pirin Macedonian region, was rated the top male dancer in Ensemble “Pirin” of Blagoevgrad and four times voted the top professional dancer in Bulgaria. Ventzi was assistant choreographer for the “Nikola Vaptsarov” Ensemble of Sandanski in the Pirin Macedonian region. He is a master of the tarambuka(hand drum) and tapan. Since his arrival in the US, Ventzi has danced with and choreographed for Ensemble Balkanske Igre-including the 1994 World Cup Soccer Championship Opening Ceremonies before 63,000 fans in Chicago’s Soldier Field, directed his own dance ensemble called “Bulgaria”, and has increasingly become in demand as a dance teacher throughout North America, Europe and Japan.
Japanese & Macedonian Dances:Ms. Fusae Senzaki Carroll
Fusae Senzaki was born in Oita, Japan. She began folkdancing as a college student in Tokyo, engaging in a broad array of international dances. In the mid-1970's, after her graduation, her interest focused on Balkan dancing. She began traveling abroad to learn more about the dances and their cultures. She has studied dance in Romania and Macedonia and has taken additional classes in Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. For the last thirty years, Fusae has regularly taken foreign dance teachers on tour in Japan where they have taught workshops and weekend camps throughout the country. She moved to Sacramento in 1984, but returns to Japan three or four times a year for the tours. She is regularly invited to camps throughout Canada and United States to teach as an assistant to Atanas Kolarovski, the now-legendary Macedonian dancer and choreographer.
International Dances:Bonnie & Margaret

Bonnie and Margaret have gained popularity since 1878. Since then, they have been our guest teachers for more than 30 years. Now they have the biggest dance group in HK. They have taught many different dances from Isareli, Poland, China and America. The most famous ones are Chinese dances, especially fan dances. Their vigorous energy and humorous tones of teaching always excite dancers.
Sessions A B C
Time 2013.8.16 (Fr.) 2013.8.17 (Sat.) 2013.8.18 (Sun.)
Location B1F., No.132, Jihe Rd. Shilin Dist., Taipei City 11162 Taiwan (R.O.C.)
09:00-10:20 Ventzi Ventzi
10:30-11:20 Fusae Fusae
11:30-12:20 Ventzi Ventzi
12:20-02:00 Lunch breeak Lunch break
02:00-03:20 Ventzi Ventzi
03:30-04:20 Bonnie & Margaret Bonnie & Margaret
04:30-05:20 Ventzi Ventzi
05:20-07:00 Dinner break
19:10-21:50 Bulgarian Performance dances After party
Before 7/15 A:US28 B:US65 C:US65 A+B+C= US142
7/16-7/31 A:US28 B:US68 C:US68 A+B+C= US148
After 8/1 A:US28 B:US71 C:US71 A+B+C= US154
Ways of payment For foreign dancers, you may email us and tell us your your dates of participation. You may also pay cash directly at the dance hall. Email Add: panasia_dc@yahoo.com.tw

Atanas (Mysterious dancer)
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 1105
精華 0
積分 3535
帖子 2577
現金 1869 元
存款 81273 元
鮮花 938 朵
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-3-5
來自 Taipri
狀態 離線
發表於 2013-6-16 21:46  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
繁體化 簡體化

The 37th Annual PanAsia FolkDance Camp ~ Experience the Storms of Bulgarian Dances
【ブルガリア・マケドニアの踊り講習会 in 台北】

 Ventzi Sotirov(ヴェンツィ ソティロフ)氏 が台北にやってきます。今回も氏の出身地であるピリン地方の踊りを中心に、ブルガリヤ各地の踊りを紹介してくれるでしょう。
●日時:2013.8.16 (五) 2013.8.17 (六) 2013.8.18 (日)
1日目 19:10-21:50 Ventz
2日目 09:00-10:20 Ventzi
10:30-11:20 Fusae
11:30-12:20 Ventzi
14:00-15:20 Ventzi
15:30-16:20 Bonnie & Margaret
16:30-17:20 Ventzi
19:00-21:50 Party
3日目 09:00-10:20 Ventzi
10:30-11:20 Fusae
11:30-12:20 Ventzi
14:00-15:20 Ventzi
15:30-16:20 Bonnie & Margaret
16:30-17:20 Ventzi

B1F., No.132, Jihe Rd. Shilin Dist., Taipei City 11162 Taiwan (R.O.C.)

7/15 前, 1日目:NT$800 元, 2日目:NT$1900元, 3日目場:NT$1900元, sum: NT$4200元
7/16-7/31, 1日目:NT$800 元, 2日目:NT$2000元, 3日目場:2000元, sum: 4400元
8/1 後, 1日目:NT$900 元, 2日目:NT$2100元, 3日目:NT$2100元, sum: NT$4500元
等の詳しい案内は、メールで請求ください。PanAsia FolkDance Camp 連絡ください。
     mailは、panasia_dc@yahoo.com.tw(*を@に書替)PanAsia FolkDance Campへ

okc (中長尾)
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

精華 49
積分 5190
帖子 5842
現金 6557 元
存款 80227 元
鮮花 1247 朵
閱讀權限 102
註冊 2004-8-18
來自 Taichung
狀態 離線
發表於 2013-6-26 11:26  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
繁體化 簡體化

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