
標題: [公告] MIT 2015
Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 1103
精華 0
積分 1276
帖子 924
現金 819 元
存款 82802 元
鮮花 330 朵
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-3-4
來自 復興路時代的靜宜
狀態 離線
發表於 2015-3-15 16:43  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
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MIT 2015

繼2013年的 Guyton Mundy at Madness In Taiwan之後
3S (Show-Ming, Sue, Spring)又再一次的籌畫一場更精采的
Madness In Taiwan 排舞研習營 - MIT 2015。

這次的MIT 2015師資陣容更加堅強,除了上回大受好評的 Guyton Mundy 之外,
很難得的邀請到國際排舞界的天后 - Rachael McEnaney
以及目前很受歡迎的 Fred Whitehouse

Madness In Taiwan 2015排舞研習營
時間:2015年12月4日~ 6日
      (包含3整天的研習班以及週五/日兩晚 的party)




Rachael McEnaney
Rachael McEnaney 出身舞蹈家族,十五歲開班教授排舞至今,
自1999 年以來多次贏得英國與歐洲舞蹈獎項,並於 2000 年榮獲
她在 2001 年首次參加巨星組的比賽就抱回世界冠軍獎座,以十九歲
Rachael 在 2002 年與三位傑出的排舞家 Pedro Machado、Rob Fowler、Paul McAdam
以及專業人士 Barbara Blake 合組 Masters In Line 公司,專門舉辦排舞活動。
Rachael 負責籌劃比賽與研習,擔任評審與演出,足跡遍及歐亞非三洲。
在 2007 年她重新規劃事業重心,目前擔任 World Dance Masters 舞蹈活動籌辦公司的顧問,
從初級到高階已調教出 32 位世界冠軍。她自己也贏得多項殊榮,
包括14 座 Crystal Boots Awards,且於 2013 年獲選進入排舞名人堂。

Guyton Mundy
Guyton Mundy於1993年在迪士尼樂園出道,參與現場表演、園區遊行和電視錄影,
也極具天分,受邀至英國曼徹斯特與Pedro Machado 合辦研習會之後,
在 2002 年參加美國佛州奧蘭多的橘花舞節,贏得第一座編舞獎座。
在 2003 年的世界鄉村西部舞蹈大賽中,Guyton 成為首位參加五項排舞編舞競賽且

Fred Whitehouse
Fred Whitehouse 是北愛爾蘭人,青少年時決定追隨三位姊姊的腳步,以舞蹈為志業。
他在荷蘭四年,跟隨Roy Verdonk 與 Darren Bailey學習各種舞蹈風格,
他參加過許多世界舞蹈比賽,是第一位贏得各級 Open Solo 和 Showcase Divisions 的男舞者,
囊括獎項由初級到進階,一直到排舞競賽 (competitive line dance) 的最高榮譽。
Fred 也在 H&A Musicals 製作的音樂舞台劇 Churchill the Musical裡擔任過領銜男舞者,
瑞典、丹麥和法國等地。他目前專職排舞與古典鄉村雙人舞 (country classics couples)
他的門下出過好幾位個人舞蹈賽 (Solo) 以及職業與業餘混和賽 (Pro-Am) 的世界冠軍。
他編的雙人舞、四人舞和團體舞(duos, quads and teams)也贏得很多榮譽。

[ 本帖最後由 May 於 2015-3-16 17:08 編輯 ]

ღ (='.'=) ღ           
M (") (")~~~♡…….♪♫•.•°*°•.Y* 英英May代子

Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 1103
精華 0
積分 1276
帖子 924
現金 819 元
存款 82802 元
鮮花 330 朵
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-3-4
來自 復興路時代的靜宜
狀態 離線
發表於 2015-3-19 15:57  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
繁體化 簡體化

ღ (='.'=) ღ           
M (") (")~~~♡…….♪♫•.•°*°•.Y* 英英May代子

Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 1103
精華 0
積分 1276
帖子 924
現金 819 元
存款 82802 元
鮮花 330 朵
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-3-4
來自 復興路時代的靜宜
狀態 離線
發表於 2015-6-1 09:38  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
繁體化 簡體化

繼 "Take Me To Church"
美國排舞大師 - Guyton Mundy 今年五月又推出一首巨作:
See You Again

ღ (='.'=) ღ           
M (") (")~~~♡…….♪♫•.•°*°•.Y* 英英May代子

Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 1103
精華 0
積分 1276
帖子 924
現金 819 元
存款 82802 元
鮮花 330 朵
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-3-4
來自 復興路時代的靜宜
狀態 離線
發表於 2015-7-1 21:18  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
繁體化 簡體化

Message from Guyton Mundy :

Have you ever had that one friend, that friend that helped you be the person that
you knew you could be, that friend that said, share this with others, that friend that
would let you be yourself and share a part of you with the world, that friend that
you have loved for so long but knew one day that you would have to say goodbye
to? Well I have!!! Dance has been my friend, my confidant, my expression, my
words, my drive and my love for over 28 years. It has given me more joy and more
experiences than anyone could ever imagine. I have danced for 20 people and
50,000 people, and I will never forget the feeling that I get when I share my friend
“dance” with them….But there comes a time when you have to say goodbye.
Even though it hurts and you know that you will miss your friend, you have to have
the strength to say “Thank you for what you have given me”. But now it is time to
say goodbye my friend…..

I want to thank everyone who has ever taken a class from me or been touched by
a piece that I have choreographed. I know that I will miss everyone but I know it is
time to take a break. I will be finishing out my contracts that I have though 2016
and just a few that I have already been booked for in 2017, but that will be it for me.

I want to say thank you for letting me share this part of my life with you all. Thank you
to all my hard core dancers that let me push you to your limits…I have always tried to
raise the bar and sometimes I have even had to one up myself. I thank you for
allowing me to push and challenge not only you the dancers but myself as a choreographer.
I hope that you will never stop pushing your limits and continue to do so, any way you can.

I have so many people to thank for letting me share my dance life with, that I know if I thank
everyone it will be a very long letter… Well that’s the way it’s going to be..

Pedro Machado…. I blame you for this.. LOL.. You brought me to my first event in the UK in
Stoke Upon Trent in 2000, and if it were not for you brining me there I would not be the person
I am today… So thank you Pedro… You will always have a friend to bail you out of jail, unless
I’m sitting beside you.

Scott Blevins, my true friend. Thank you for letting me see that I wasn’t too crazy for pushing
the limits of people. You started pushing the limits of line dance before I was even around.
You are a true friend and I thank you for letting me know that it’s ok to push the limits. And I
will see you and party with you when you hit the BIG 50….

Will Craig… What can I say… or what everyone else says…. We are the Bro-mance…
LOL…We have created some really cool dances together and I hope people will be dancing
them way after I’m gone. You are another one of my best friends. We have had good times
and bad, but we will always have each others backs… Love ya bro.

Rachael McEnaney-White…... You have been like a little sister to me. I have seen you grow in
so many ways and finally get married. You are an incredible dancer and choreographer and a
wonderful person. We fight like brothers and sisters do, but I know I can always count on you
when I need you. We have had so many fun times and memories. We have shared our homes
with each other and have had to share our pain also. We have had to fight so many battles
with loved ones, friends and family. We have shared so much together and know each other
so well. I will always keep you in my heart as my little sister… So if you need a place to stay…
you know where we are, and the boat is yours… don’t worry there’s Wi-Fi on the boat. Love you…

Louie St George…..Man We fight like brothers. But I know you always have my back. I know I
will see you when you pass through and stay at the compound like always. Some things will
never change… See you soon.

Sue Weston and Big Dave…You are 2 of my favorite people. We have done so many events
together and had so much fun. Each event has had its unique and memorable times. I can
remember staying up to the late hours with Little Rob, Carey, Jordan, JP, Maria, and Fred
trying to finish up a new dances to bring to the people the next day. I know you were always a
little worried if I would finish it up, but I don’t think we ever let you down… Thank you for
trusting me and allowing me to be creative and just be myself. I have done events with you for
over 12 years and I will miss them and the people who share our good times. Thank you so
much for everything. I love you with all of me.

Jean Garr. You gave me my first shot at a workshop with you and brought me to The
Marathon the very next year. You have always pushed me and my name. Thank you for
always being there for me. I will always be your discovery…

Carol Baker. You have picked me up for over 15 years, driven me all over the UK, shared your
home with me more times than I can count. I have loved helping you with your patio and
putting up wall paper. It is always been so much fun staying with you. You have always been
there for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you.

I could sit here all day and thank everyone that has given me inspiration and encouragement
throughout the years but then this letter would go on and on forever. But I know it can’t. But I
have to say just a few more things. Roy Hadisubroto. Man, your skills are unparalleled. I could
sit and watch you dance all night long man. Keep entertaining the world and they will keep
loving you for it. Fred Whitehouse… You are another that I truly look up to as a dancer. You
feel the music more than most people can understand. You leave your heart and soul on the
dance floor and the feelings you express can’t be explained with words.

Thank you to all of the event Directors that have given me the opportunity to teach at their
events and share my love of dance with everyone. I know there are so many people out there
that I want to thank but if I go on and on you might get bored with this letter. But since I am
only going to say it once. Here it is. Thank you Jean, Eve, Mark, Glen, Jen, Jason, Sue, Dave,
Diane, Sandy, Marcus, Goran, Annette, Bill, Patrick, Melissa, Show-Ming, Grant, Will, Scott,
Tudi, Robin, Doug, Jackie, Judy, Sandra, Barbra, Madeline, Laura, Kurt, Conney, Lissi,
Monica, Tony, Jeff, and any others that I may have forgotten…

I guess that’s it… All I have to say now is Goodbye… I know I will see a lot of you before I
finish out my contracts. But to those of you that I will not, thank you from the bottom of my
heart. Keep dancing!!!!

Thank you
Guyton Mundy

ღ (='.'=) ღ           
M (") (")~~~♡…….♪♫•.•°*°•.Y* 英英May代子

Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 1103
精華 0
積分 1276
帖子 924
現金 819 元
存款 82802 元
鮮花 330 朵
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-3-4
來自 復興路時代的靜宜
狀態 離線
發表於 2015-7-4 14:37  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
繁體化 簡體化

Guyton Mundy 決定退休了
今年12月的台北 MIT 2015 也將是最後的機會
Guyton Mund

[ 本帖最後由 May 於 2015-7-4 14:40 編輯 ]

ღ (='.'=) ღ           
M (") (")~~~♡…….♪♫•.•°*°•.Y* 英英May代子

Rank: 6Rank: 6

UID 1103
精華 0
積分 1276
帖子 924
現金 819 元
存款 82802 元
鮮花 330 朵
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2007-3-4
來自 復興路時代的靜宜
狀態 離線
發表於 2015-12-17 12:32  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
繁體化 簡體化
MIT 2015 Party video

MIT 2015 Party Video 分享:
20151204_MIT Madness Party 歡迎舞會
20151205_MIT Bliss Party 歡樂舞會
20151206_MIT Farewell Party 歡送舞會

[ 本帖最後由 May 於 2015-12-17 12:36 編輯 ]

ღ (='.'=) ღ           
M (") (")~~~♡…….♪♫•.•°*°•.Y* 英英May代子


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