
標題: [音樂] 以色列音樂 (二)
青蛙 (青蛙)
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註冊 2008-1-12
來自 逸姿
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發表於 2011-6-11 00:43  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
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是啊, 這是一首令人相當懷念的舞. 尤其是在夏夜的湖畔,夜幕低垂,樹影扶疏, 涼風徐徐出來,


PS: 我記得當年我們竹中,竹商,竹女,竹工,還有新竹救國團,婦女會,電信局,生命線....都是這樣的跳法,雙手畫圓,手下交叉彈指.





您說的沒錯,英文舞法中的 "extend arms" 意思是雙手伸展,後面接下彈指. 只是我還沒有找到我這種跳法的來源與意義.  還在思考中.....

青蛙的窩部落格: http://blog.udn.com/frankflin01/article

mikelin (麥克林)
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註冊 2007-2-10
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發表於 2011-6-19 21:04  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
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松樹舞 編舞者

松樹舞在1960 居然有 兩個編舞者 各自編舞,不知我們跳地是哪一個版?

編舞者分別為 :Rivka Sturman  與 Yo'av Ashriel

而我們耳熟能詳地"夜半歌聲" 就是 Rivka Sturman  在 1964 年編舞。從1942 到 1992 共有 103 首編舞。 其中許多是我們熟悉地傳統以色列舞。

Yo'av Ashriel 從 1950 到 2008 共編舞 154 首,我很喜歡地"16頓"就是他 1973年地作品。

我有件事被'困惑'了,他們編地是傳統土風舞還是自編舞? 或者某些年代前編地是傳統土風舞,以後地是自編舞? 如何界定?誰來界定?根據何種理由界定? 我被搞的一頭混亂'balagan'.

[ 本帖最後由 mikelin 於 2011-6-19 21:09 編輯 ]

青蛙 (青蛙)
Rank: 8Rank: 8

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註冊 2008-1-12
來自 逸姿
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發表於 2011-6-19 21:31  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
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回Mikelin 老哥的話,我們跳的這一版松樹舞應為Yo'av Ashriel在1960年編的版本.

by 壇主

新主題搬移至舞蹈綜合討論板 -- 過去與現在、固守或更新,
網址 -- http://www.okc.folk-dance.org/talk/viewthread.php?tid=9890

青蛙的窩部落格: http://blog.udn.com/frankflin01/article

青蛙 (青蛙)
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 1750
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註冊 2008-1-12
來自 逸姿
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發表於 2011-6-25 00:55  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
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所羅門王之光輝 - 以色列

所羅門王之光輝 - 以色列, 1965年

舞名: Tzadik Katamar
歌詞: 舊約聖經
作曲: Amitai Ne'eman
編舞: Jonathan Gabait
中文舞名: 所羅門王之光輝
土風舞音樂: 惠美唱片 FDC-第0082集,台灣用的是演奏曲.

這是一首讓儒森斯坦教授問到我答不出來的一首舞: "這首舞並沒有提到所羅門王,中文舞名怎麼會叫做"所羅門王之光輝"呢?"
(請參閱以色列舞帖第79樓: http://www.okc.folk-dance.org/ta ... page%3D1&page=8)





這一首的舞法也是讓我摸摸鼻子,在聯歡上不知如何是好的一首舞. 因為我的舞法跟土風舞世界全集一樣, 但是跟其他舞友的跳法不一樣.

然而其他舞友的跳法卻是跟英文舞法相同(其實差別只有在最後倒數的第2個4拍啦). 直到目前為止,我還沒有找到為什麼不一樣的原因.待考.



Tzadik Katamar
Dance by: Jonathan Gabait. Formation: Single circle, facing CCW, hands at shoulder level.

1-4 Moving in LOD, step on R, L, R, L
5-8 Facing center, sway on R to R, sway on L to L, sway R, sway L
9-16 Repeat 1-16.

17-20 Grapevine: step R to R, cross L over, R to side, L behind.
21-22 Make complete CW (R) turn in 2 steps (R, L).
23-28 Tcherkessia: Step on R to R, step L over, R in place,L to L, R over, L in place.
29-32 Repeat swaying action of 5-8.
33-48 Repeat 17-32

參考影片: (好像是聖誕節party的影片哦. )

[ 本帖最後由 青蛙 於 2011-6-25 00:59 編輯 ]

青蛙的窩部落格: http://blog.udn.com/frankflin01/article

Rank: 3Rank: 3

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註冊 2004-9-9
來自 oro
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註冊 2005-3-25
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發表於 2011-12-17 01:35  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
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Shir - Israeli Songs

   pswd: www.balkana.ru

01. Shibolet Basadeh - Lamidbar <= 農家樂、沙漠進行曲
02. Hava Nagila <= 哈娃那基拉
03. Dror Yikrah <= 自由的呼聲
04. Keren Sahar
05. Chorshat Ha’ekaliptus <= 濃情蜜意
06. Od Lo Ahavti Dai <= 洛哈地/愛的期盼
07. Kol Dodi
08. Hakol Patuach
09. Erev Shel Shoshanim <= 夜玫瑰
10. Medley - Ufaratstah - Vehar Eineinu - Tzena Tzena
11. Hana’ava Babanot <= 巴巴娜小姐
12. Lcha Dodi
13. Hafinjan
14. Laila Laila <= 萊啦萊啦/夜半無人私語時
15. Ose Shalom
16. Bashana Haba’ah <= 光明的人生

[ 本帖最後由 mattwang 於 2011-12-17 10:36 編輯 ]


青蛙 (青蛙)
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 1750
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鮮花 1664 朵
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註冊 2008-1-12
來自 逸姿
狀態 離線
發表於 2011-12-17 07:35  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
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(本文收3 朵)

原帖由 mattwang 於 2011-12-17 01:35 發表
Shir - Israeli Songs

   pswd: www.balkana.ru

01. Shibolet Basadeh - Lamidbar  


01. Shibolet Basadeh - Lamidbar <= 農家樂、沙漠進行曲
02. Hava Nagila <= 哈娃那基拉
03. Dror Yikrah <= 自由的呼聲
04. Keren Sahar
05. Chorshat Ha’ekaliptus <= 濃情蜜意
06. Od Lo Ahavti Dai <= 洛哈地(愛的期盼)
07. Kol Dodi
08. Hakol Patuach
09. Erev Shel Shoshanim <= 夜玫瑰
10. Medley - Ufaratstah - Vehar Eineinu - Tzena Tzena
11. Hana’ava Babanot 巴巴娜小姐
12. Lcha Dodi
13. Hafinjan
14. Laila Laila <= 萊啦萊啦 夜半無人私語時 也是用同一旋律配曲.
15. Ose Shalom
16. Bashana Haba’ah <= 光明的人生

青蛙的窩部落格: http://blog.udn.com/frankflin01/article

青蛙 (青蛙)
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 1750
精華 0
積分 7438
帖子 5756
現金 2973 元
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鮮花 1664 朵
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2008-1-12
來自 逸姿
狀態 離線
發表於 2012-1-28 16:09  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
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節錄於下供大家參考: (因為該文章已經翻譯成英文了,大家應該都看得懂,我就偷懶一下,不翻譯成中文啦. )

Israeli Folkdance
Traditional dances find new values.
By Dr. Dan Ronen

An Uncertain Future
And yet the future of Israeli folkdance is not certain. Some fear that folk dancing will become important only to a marginal group of people, as is the case with similar dance in many other countries. The fact that most Israeli folk dancers (professional and amateur) are older than 30 is hardly promising. Folk dancing aficionados commonly express the concern that the next generation of Israelis prefers bars and discos, with the contemporary forms of dance that come with them.

Other supporters of Israeli folkdance worry that the social and national values symbolized in Israeli dance are quickly becoming extinct, and that this is emblematic of a larger problem: the shared values of Israeli society as a whole are in danger.
[青蛙註:此乃起因於上一段的最後一句話,因為年輕人prefers bars and discos......]

Then and Now
No doubt, Israeli folkdances were created for Zionist reasons. After 1948, as the first generation of children born in the state of Israel began to mature, the new society searched for authentic cultural material to call its own. Gurit Kadman, one of the seminal figures of the Israeli folkdance movement, maintained that "for people who fervently wished to have dances of our own in our lifetime, there was no choice" than to break with the traditional view that folk dance takes generations to create.[青蛙註:原來兇手是他! ]

Israel's first choreographers created folkdances based on no existing tradition. They worked with some basic elements--Hasidic, Balkan, Russian, Arabic, and Yemenite dance steps--but the dances they created conveyed a distinctly modern Zionist outlook. The pieces emphasized what one might call a classical Zionist ideal of returning to the land of old, of reviving the spirit of the days of the Bible, and of deepening love for the country and its landscape.
Perhaps the most well-known of these early folkdances is Mayim Mayim (Water, Water[青蛙註:水舞]), created by dancer Ilse Dubon in the late 1930s, when water was discovered at Kibbutz Na'an. Gurit Kadman's folkdance creations include Yasem Midbar Le'Agam Mayim (He'll Turn Desert Into Lake, 1944) and Etz Harimon (The Pomegranate Tree, 1948[青蛙註:石榴])--whose titles allude to their themes of Israeli agriculture productivity. Rivka Sturman, one of Israel's most prolific and successful folk dance creators, produced countless other classics including Kuma Eha (Rise Up, Brother, 1945[青蛙註:奮起舞]), Dodi Li (My Beloved is for Me, 1948[青蛙註:多地利]), and Zemer Atik (Ancient Song, 1955[青蛙註:珠曼阿鐵克]).

What about the newer folkdances? Contemporary Israeli folkdances rely on the same basic elements as the dances composed by such choreographers as Dubon, Kadman, and Sturman. The formula that experts believe has preserved and will continue to preserve Israeli folkdances is a balancing of continuity and change; a balance necessary for the preservation of any tradition and folklore.

Musical Trends
For example, the songs used in folkdance today are very different from the songs of the past. Gone are the references to shepherds, camels, and herds of old. But newer songs still continue to express love for the country and its beautiful landscape, and love for all living things.

Some of the new songs called "Mediterranean Pop" are a mixture of Greek, Turkish, and Arabic music. Despite their eclectic background, these songs are not removed from the hopes and anxieties of Israelis. And in spite of a shallowness in their language and banal themes, many of these songs express the old desire to be Israeli and experience "normality"--with a new awareness that there is no consensus about what it actually means to be Israeli or to be normal.

Old Dances, New Dances
An abundance of new dances also reflects both continuity and change. Dancers today are used to constant stimulation; they resent stagnation and they produce new dances at a frenzied rate. The fact that in recent years a not-for-profit movement, Reyim, was founded to preserve the old Israeli folkdances, combined with special evenings devoted to "old circle dances," proves that dancers feel the need to preserve the basic roots of their art. The past evokes a variety of relevant memories that help dancers deal with their present and future.

And of course, nostalgia is not strictly an expression of old people. Some young people are also intrigued by the past. They want to know what their parents felt and believed, and they want to experience what they consider to be primary and basic feelings. [青蛙註:這類人畢竟不多]

Combining Continuity and Change
Today some dance instructors manage to capitalize on both the elements of continuity and change in Israeli folkdance by teaching old folkdances in an atmosphere of liberation, ecstasy, enthusiasm, and relaxation--the same atmosphere that draws young people to dance clubs.

Continuity and change also converge at "Teimaniada" dance events. At these gatherings, hundreds of people, young and old, dance one traditional Yemenite step for hours on end. They dance to new, rhythmic beats of contemporary songs inspired by traditional Yemenite music.
[青蛙註:就我手頭上近幾年(至2011年止)以色列發表的新編舞資料約2000多首,其中有作者所謂 "continuity"傳承者,數量非常少,比例小到幾乎可以略去]

from: http://www.myjewishlearning.com/ ... ael/Folkdance.shtml

青蛙的窩部落格: http://blog.udn.com/frankflin01/article

青蛙 (青蛙)
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 1750
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積分 7438
帖子 5756
現金 2973 元
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鮮花 1664 朵
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註冊 2008-1-12
來自 逸姿
狀態 離線
發表於 2012-2-1 15:40  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
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羚羊舞 - 以色列

羚羊舞 - 以色列, 1950年

舞名: Zemer Lach
作詞: Avraham Ben Ze'ev
作曲: 以色列古老民謠,作者不可考.
編舞: Zafra (有的資料寫Rivka Sturman,目前我還沒查清楚二者的關係.)
編譯: 張慶三老師與廖幼芽老師
中文舞名: 羚羊舞
土風舞音樂: 惠美唱片 FDC-0027集,演奏曲.
                 惠美唱片 FDC-0078集,演唱曲.(本版舞名為"(新)羚羊舞" )

本舞舞名: Zemer Lach, Zemer 意思是睡著的羚羊驟而躍起, Lach意思是"你"的意思,在這裡指的是祖國,國家的意思.

(跟咱們中國不一樣,我們是說:國家這隻"睡獅"醒了,雄霸天下,氣宇軒昂,卓命不凡. )



另: 我在民國66年跟我的上任社長師父學過一版(新)羚羊舞,音樂用的是FDC-0078集的歌唱版,速度比FDC-0027集的演奏版更輕快.
私下傳授我許多土風舞知識與壓箱寶舞曲,當然也把我操得不成人形,讓我獲益良多. )








1. 羚羊舞 (演奏版) FDC-0027集

2. (新)羚羊舞 (演唱版) FDC-0078集

[ 本帖最後由 青蛙 於 2012-2-1 16:04 編輯 ]

青蛙的窩部落格: http://blog.udn.com/frankflin01/article

青蛙 (青蛙)
Rank: 8Rank: 8

UID 1750
精華 0
積分 7438
帖子 5756
現金 2973 元
存款 485708 元
鮮花 1664 朵
閱讀權限 10
註冊 2008-1-12
來自 逸姿
狀態 離線
發表於 2012-2-6 21:31  資料  個人空間  短訊息  加為好友 
繁體化 簡體化
[續] [音樂] 以色列音樂

接 [音樂] 以色列音樂 的第120樓與121樓......
http://www.okc.folk-dance.org/ta ... age%3D4&page=12

經過重重波折, 窮裁縫終於取得塞桃為妻,在日落黃昏,婚禮於是展開..........


那種美麗的畫面,我相信所有的女生看了一定想這輩子也要來一場這種婚禮 .可惜,youtube上沒有, 我也不敢把我的上傳,所以用想像的就好了.  )



日落黃昏,夕陽西下,村子裡有喜事,村中所有老老少少,每個人手秉喜燭往村中集會所移動. 樂隊邊走邊演奏著千年以來傳統的Klezmer喜慶音樂,


之後的Sunrise, Sunset 說明,就請參閱我原帖 120樓的說明,在此不重複提了.


現在就來欣賞令所有女生羨慕的浪漫婚禮與令人蕩氣迴腸的Sunrise, Sunset, 和氣勢磅礡的酒瓶舞:

青蛙的窩部落格: http://blog.udn.com/frankflin01/article


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